X-Men director, Bryan Singer, 48, recently made headlines when shocking allegations were made against him claiming he had inappropriate relations with underage boys and used his powerful position in the entertainment industry to take advantage of young boys. Singer has vehemently denied the allegations, calling them “outrageous, vicious and completely false.”
In Jan. 2013, RadarOnline.com a obtained photo in which Singer threw hundreds of dollars at a male stripper for lap dances. “Bryan kept giving the stripper hundred dollar bills to give five to 10 minute lap dances to himself and his friends in his booth,” an eyewitness said: “The stripper must have made at least $700 to $800 bucks off him.” Apparently, Singer was generous with his friends and got a table with bottle service. Bryan was drinking vodka and having fun with his friends,” the source said. “The bill for the liquor at the end of the night was around $1,200 with tip.” In the photo obtained. Singer is seen with a grin on his face while with holding money to stuff in the tight red speedos of the male stripper hovering over him.
Previously, it was reported that, a lawsuit was filed by actor/model Michael Egan III accusing the filmmaker of intentional infliction of emotional distress, battery, assault and invasion of privacy, and alleged that in 1999 Singer coerced him into sex at parties in California and Hawaii when he was just 17-years-old.
A second lawsuit was then filed against Singer and some other top Hollywood honchos by an anonymous teenager in Britain alleging sex abuse, which Singer’s attorney again labeled as “totally untrue.” Singer filed a motion to dismiss Egan’s sex abuse lawsuit this week, claiming lack of jurisdiction and citing a deposition Egan gave in 2003 that states Singer was never in Hawaii with him and never sexually abused him — even though in his lawsuit he claims Singer sexually abused him one time in Hawaii.
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