Thursday, 9 October 2014

#AmandaBynes Confirms Engagement After Being Accused Of Shoplifting At Barneys


Earlier today, Amanda Bynes confirmed via Twitter, that she’s engaged and will be getting hitched soon.

The troubled 28-year-old also said that she plans to sue several tabloids for writing lies about her after they published “exclusive interviews” this week about her engagement, which she denied giving. Read her tweets below.

On Wednesday, Amanda was accused of shoplifting TWICE in two different stores. First, she was was accused of shoplifting a $200 hat from Barneys on Madison Avenue in New York. According to TMZ, the actress tried on the hat before attempting to leave the building without paying. She was caught by security guards and brought her back inside, where eyewitnesses allegedly saw her “acting crazy.”

Amanda then told the guards that she’d been chased by fans and was using the hat to cover her face but didn’t intend to steal it. She was allowed to leave after signing a no-trespass agreement banning her from the store.

The second incident took places at Pookie & Sebastian about an hour before the drama at Barney's. Apparently, staffers at the women's clothing store began following Amada around the store because she was dancing and muttering about plastic surgery and they thought she was a "half-naked, homeless crack-head," according to TMZ.

She then attempted to leave the store with a shirt stuffed between her arms when an employee stopped her and asked if she was going to pay for it. Amanda replied "Do I really have to buy this?" She then went back inside the store and paid $128 for the shirt.


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