Wednesday, 29 October 2014

Former Baseball Player #JoseCanseco Shoots Off Middle Finger While Cleaning A Gun


Former baseball player Jose Canseco shot off part of his middle finger on Tuesday and had surgery to get it reattached.

According to Canseco’s fiancĂ©e Leila Knight, he was at their Las Vegas home cleaning a handgun when it went off and blew off the middle finger of his left hand. Knight told the New York Daily News

“He had been at the shooting range a few days earlier. He didn’t know it was loaded. The middle finger was hanging by a thread, and I wrapped his hand in a towel and then called 911. The doctors said they would either have to amputate or do reconstructive surgery. But if they do surgery, he won’t be able to use it again. He blew away an artery and a big bone chunk."

Knight also said doctors warned that if the finger gets reattached, he may not regain full use of it.

Canseco retired from major league baseball in 2002, and had a failed comeback attempt two years later. He controversially admitted to using steroids and performance enhancing drugs, which he wrote about in his 2005 memoir, “Juiced: Wild Times, Rampant 'Roids, Smash Hits and How Baseball Got Big.”

In 2003 he was accused of rape but the case was later dropped. A few months later, he was pulled over with diaper-wearing goats in his car but claimed he had just bought the animals and was taking them home.

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