#WillSmith and #JadaPinkettSmith’s children Jaden Smith and Willow Smith say they can control time and and that school is totally useless.
In a new interview with New York Times' T Magazine, the duo shared their interesting thoughts on why kids who go to school are "depressed." Jaden said:
"School is not authentic because it ends. It's not true, it's not real. Our learning will never end. The school that we go to every single morning, we will continue to go to. Kids who go to normal school are so teenagery, so angsty."
Willow also shared her opinion, saying:
"They never want to do anything, they're so tired. You never learn anything in school. Think about how many car accidents happen every day. Driver's ed? What's up? I still haven't been to driver's ed because if everybody I know has been in an accident, I can't see how driver's ed is really helping them out."
"I went to school for one year. It was the best experience but the worst experience. The best experience because I was, like, 'Oh, now I know why kids are so depressed.' But it was the worst experience because I was depressed."
Willow also talked about her interest in Prana energy.
“I mean, time for me, I can make it go slow or fast, however I please,” she explained. “That’s how I know it doesn't exist.” Breathing is meditation; life is a meditation. You have to breathe in order to live, so breathing is how you get in touch with the sacred space of your heart."
Willow, who is 14-year-old, said she misses her days as a newborn.
“When they’re in the stomach, [babies are] so aware, putting all their bones together, putting all their ligaments together. But they’re shocked by this harsh world … As they grow up, they start losing."
Speaking about honesty, Willow said she started “caring less and less about what your own mind thinks" in a bid to stop her feeling sad.
Jaden agreed, adding:
“Exactly. Because your mind has a duality to it. So when one thought goes into your mind, it’s not just one thought, it has to bounce off both hemispheres of the brain.”
The duo also said they don’t think a lot of music “out there” is cool while Willow claimed that she doesn't like novels, so she writes her own. “Willow’s been writing her own novels since she was six”, Jaden said.
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