Tuesday, 6 January 2015

#EllenPage Tweets F*ck #QueenElizabeth For Honoring Anti-Gay Politician!


Ellen Page slammed Queen Elizabeth via Twitter on Monday for including anti-gay politician #MauriceMills in her 2015 #NewYear’s Honors list. Mills is a born-again Christian and a Northern Ireland politician who once blamed the spread of AIDS in Africa on the “filthy practice of sodomy”. After hearing the news, Page tweeted:


The royal annual list featured a mix of public figures, politicians, and celebs including #JoanCollin, #JamesCorden, activist Jenny-Anne Christine Bishop and the founder of "Families and Friends of Lesbians and Gays" Jenny Broughton. However, Mills’ inclusion sparked outrage. He once blamed Hurricane Katrina on the #LGBT community. According the Belfast Telegraph, he said:

“The media failed to report that the hurricane occurred just two days prior to the annual homosexual event called the Southern Decadence festival which the previous year had attracted an estimated 125,000 people. Surely this is a warning to nations where such wickedness is increasingly promoted and practiced.”

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