Thursday, 9 October 2014

#OprahWinfrey, 60, Flaunts Cleavage & Reflects On The Power Of Gratitude In "O" Magazine


Oprah Winfrey is 60-year-old but she’s still got it. The TV mogul looks stunning on the cover of O, The Oprah Magazine's November issue in a Rena Lange white suit, Nicholas Kirkwood shoes and a Wacoal lacy camisole, which showed off her cleavage.

In the accompanying interview, the mogul talked about how grateful she is for all she has achieved.

“I wake up every morning and the first sentence that comes through my brain is, ‘thank you.’ If you focus on what you have, you will begin to see that you have more. And if you focus on what you don’t have, you will always live in a space of lack, Oprah said.

On her current multi-city tour called Oprah’s The Life You Want Weekend, she said:

“I’ve been on the road now since September, going from city to city on weekends for The Life You Want tour. It’s a dream that’s lived in me forever: to travel the world speaking face-to-face with women (and some very cool men) about the thing that matters most – raising our individual and collective consciousness to a higher vibration so that we each may fill our innate calling.”

"In every city, I've been overjoyed to see people sharing their openhearted yearning to reach for something more, their desire to do and be better. And in the process of sharing my stories, mistakes, and big lessons, my own commitment to living more fully has deepened...It makes me so happy—and is the greatest reward—to see others grasp the reins of their lives and take control."

O, The Oprah Magazine's November issue hits newsstands on October 14. 


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